Monday, July 30, 2007

Gary Ford ~ Erma Luis

Luis and Ford family:

Gary Ford:

was the brother-in-law of Erma Luis he was married to her sister Diane. Diane and Gary brought into this world a beautiful baby girl: Payton Joy Ford. Payton will will carry on her Daddy (Gary Ford) joy and legacy.

Please pray that all will find hope, strength and courage to continue.

Please join the facebook group in honour of him: RIP GARY FORD....

Funeral arrangements have not been made yet but will be posted upon further information.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Craig - Memorial

-----Original Message-----
From: Justin Cooper
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2007 3:05 PM
Subject: memorial service for craig vanderveen

We are now able to announce that a memorial service for Craig Vanderveen will be held on Friday, July 27, at 8:00 pm in Redeemer's auditorium. It will be led by our Chaplain, Syd Hielema. Craig's parents, Al and Anita Vanderveen, will also be present. This will give an opportunity to students, faculty, staff, alumni and community members to remember Craig, give thanks to God for his life and grieve his loss. (We will also take some time to acknowledge Craig's passing in a chapel in September for the sake of all of our students.) Please continue to uphold Craig's family in prayer, and also pray that all who are part of this service will experience the Lord's grace and be strengthened in their faith.

President Cooper

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Craig (further details)

We are now able to share more details about the funeral for Craig Vanderveen
and contact information for sending condolences to the family. First a correction, the other person killed in the accident-Denise Veendaal--was a high school friend and not a cousin.

Their funerals will be on Wednesday, July 4, in the Carmen Canadian Reformed Church, Carmen, Manitoba-Craig's in the morning at 10:00 am and Denise's in the afternoon, probably at 2:00 pm; no visitation is planned the day before.The family is willing to help with lodging for anyone coming from Redeemer-just call Les Vanderveen (an Uncle) at 204 745 8273 or Hannah Vanderveen (cousin and Redeemer student) at 204 750 2258. Several students and alumni are planning to go, and Redeemer will also be sending a representative. We are also discussing plans for a memorial service at Redeemer in the fall when students have returned to campus.

Condolences can be sent to the family by emailing the funeral home and putting "condolences vanderveen family" in the subject line. Thank you for your prayer support for the family and all affected by this tragic event. We find our hope and confidence in the Lord.

President Cooper

Friday, June 29, 2007


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2007 2:03 PM
Subject: Tragic News

We are saddened by the tragic news of the death of Craig Vanderveen on Thursday evening, June 28. While visiting his family in Manitoba, he and his cousin were killed in a car accident while traveling to Winnipeg to see their grandfather. Further details of the funeral and any contact information will be provided when it becomes available. In the meantime, please pray for the Lord's grace and comfort for family and friends, particularly those in the Redeemer community who knew and worked with Craig.

With resurrection hope,

President Cooper

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Dr. Thorlakson

Dr. Thorlakson had a heart attack last Monday. He has since had angioplasty done. He was scheduled to get out of the hospital on Saturday. The attack has left him weak, borderline diabetic and looking grace straight in the eye. The doctors said that had he not been in such good the attack would have been massive.

The Hoogstads - Micah

Just read here and pray for little Micah and those who surround him.

Monday, April 09, 2007


Please help me in praying for my friend. She has so much going on in her life right now. Every week seems to bring more pain and more trouble for her. It is so hard to watch her struggle. She just needs a break, some healing, peace, something, anything.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Bus Crash

A small Mennonite college in Ohio (sounds kind of like a Mennonite version of RUC) is in need of our prayers right now. Their baseball team was in a bus crash early this morning and 6 people are dead. You can read the whole story here.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Please pray

Well, I would greatly appreciate it if you could pray for my brother. It is horrible to see how sickness can take away someone's spirit in all that he does. For several years now, my brother has been struggling with severe sickness in his stomach and actually all of his body. School has always been a good disctraction, but currently he is between schools and his sickness is really starting to take over his life. Besides it already controlling what he eats, drinks, and what he can all do. It is effecting him everywhere right now. He is just tired, doctors don't really know what it is, and there is not really a cure, according to those that think they know what it is. Please pray, for strength, that he might feel renewed in energy and courage. Also pray for healing, some sort of healing in whatever form that comes. In Christ's name, Amen

Monday, February 12, 2007

Prayers of the Community

If you were at Church in the Box last night you'll remember the prayers of the community section of the service. Listed below are the prayer requests of the community that was at the service last night.

Synchronizing relationships
Choir tour
Lost friends
Summer jobs
Reading break
Life changes
Suffering friends
Relationship with friends
That we would pray more
Spiritual growth
Valentines Day
Direction in life

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Sarah Slotegraaf

she had surgery to have her appendix removed last night, and that went well, although they had to make a bigger incision than they had planned. she is in the hospital, and will be going back home to listowell either tonight or tomorrow, until hopefully monday. she hopes to be well enough on monday to get back into school a bit. so, prayers for a quick recovery (and for strength for josiah, and all those who are caring for her a lot).